ESG Initiative

Paying it Forward - Supporting NonProfits & Charities

How  We Support You

Our Paying it Forward program is specifically designed for:
- Non-profit organizations
- Charities
- Community-based Organizations
- Social impact Organizations
- Those dedicated to creating positive change in our communities

Pro Bono Services
Access our expertise in Digital Transformation, Business & Strategy, Governance Risk and Compliance, and Asset and Procurement. We offer pro bono consulting services to eligible partners.

Capacity Building
Strengthen your organization's capabilities through tailored training programs, workshops, and resources. Enhance your skills in areas that matter most to you.
Sustainable Partnerships
Forge enduring relationships with us. Beyond short-term projects, we are here for the long haul, working alongside you to address community needs.

Learning Development and Employment Opportunities
Ask us about our internship and job programs designed to provide valuable experience, prepare individuals for meaningful employment, and contribute to personal and professional growth.
Let's work together

Is there a project we can help with?

Transform your business with our expertise and services. Contact us for expert guidance in creating a sustainable, responsible, and impactful future.

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Paying it Forward

Supporting NonProfits & Charities

At Nomad Strategies, we believe in the power of giving back to our communities.

Our Community Support ESG Initiative, "Paying it Forward - Supporting NonProfits & Charities," is a program dedicated to making a positive impact on society. Since its inception this program has been an integral part of our corporate mission , vision & culture.

We believe in the power of accessibility & inclusivity. Do you?

Partner with us to support our Initiatives. Volunteer your skills for change.

Send us a message and we will get in touch with you.
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Making kindness & positivity louder.

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